lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

TASK 1 - Legal Framework of the Use of ICT in the Secondary Eduaction

Technology has changed our lives in an amazing short period of time. Its development changed our work, our studies, our relationships; everything. Thus students should develop new abilities and capacities to be part of this “new” society that is constantly in change. This is the reason why digital competence must be developed by the educative system curriculum, with qualified professionals and an appropriate integration of the use of ICT within the classroom.

If we analyze the Spanish legal educative framework, ICT have to be part of every syllable and in different subjects of secondary education. To deal with this situation, the European Union develops ways for the students to acquire a good level of knowledge in ICT.

Regarding the different technological devices, experts or professional should guide the students on the appropriate use of the technological tools, not only to interact with the society, but moreover, to be good citizens in terms on the ethical and legal aspects that the use of these devices implies.

It should be take into account the fact that nowadays students of secondary education are mostly technological beings, in other words, they have a high level of familiarity with digital tools. For this reason, teachers should teach them how to classify and use information in other to relate different subjects.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

TASK 2 - Set of Worksheets for A2 Students


Introductory activity

This first worksheet is an activity of introduction. It will be used  to make our students know vocabulary related to our topic, hobbies. A2 pupils will have to look at the pictures and try to guess the name of each hobby.

Grammar activity - Present Simple

This worksheet is directed to A2 students. It is a summary of the grammatical issues of the Present Simple tense. The students will be able to look at the explanation and then practise with some sentences in the bottom of the worksheet

Grammar activity (II) - Present Simple

With this worksheet, our A2 pupils will practice the present simple tense with a variety of activities. These exercises pay special attention to the characteristics of the third person singular.

Writing activity - My city

This worksheet will be used to give the students a chance to develop their writing skill. They will use the questions proposed in the upper box to have ideas to write their own compositions. With the topic "My city" students will practice the Present Simple tense, that they learnt with the worksheets above.

Post activity - Board Game

A2 students will use this final worksheet to review the vocabulary about hobbies and Present Simple tense. Moreover, students will be in groups playing this boardgame so that they will develop social skills while learning English.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

TASK 3 - PicLit

This is a free writing activity aimed to A2 students. They will use this PicLit as the inspiration for a story. Students will have to write about the importance of doing things to be your own hero. They will reflect about themselves and they will write a story with the aspects they can highlight about them.

PicLit from

See the full PicLit at

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

TASK 4 - VoiceThread

This activity is aimed at A2 students in order to make them reflect on the women discrimination.They will learn the histories of some sportwomen around the world. This activity could be used as a previous activity for a debate.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

TASK 5 - Tar Heel Reader

This short book written with Tar Heel Reader is directed to A1 students. Our main objective is to make our students develop their reading skill and see the different between present simple and past simple. Moreover, students will learn new vocabulary. A Day at the Amusement Park! will be used as an example to our students, who will develop their own ones.

Click on this link to read the book!

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

TASK 6 - Animoto

This video is aimed at A2 students. With it, the teacher will encourage the students to expand their imagination thanks to some pictures about mountains. It will be used as the introduction for a writing activity in which students should write about a place where they like being.


domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

TASK 7 - Listening Worksheet From ESL Short Stories

This activity has been created using ESL Short Stories. This activity is aimed at A2 students. The objective is to practice and improve the listening skill. Firstly, we find a text with blank gaps that s<tudents will fill in while they listen to the audio. Then, we find an exercise with some true or false questions.


1. Listen and fill in the missing gaps.

Heather loved the freedom of soaring high above_____land and sea. She learned how to hang-glide____her boyfriend.
Initially, she was scared to death.____first time he took her up, she hung_____for dear life. But by the end of____flight, she was hooked. Half a year later,_____bought her own hang-glider.

Almost every weekend, she_____to Torrey Pines and leaped off the cliff._____could soar to La Jolla in less than_____minutes. She liked to fly over the town.____would wave at kids pointing and looking up_____her, and they would shout and wave back_____.

One day she was returning to the launch_____when she noticed a red hawk rapidly approaching______. It briefly disappeared. Then she heard its claws_____the wing’s fabric. It flew off. But the____thing she knew, it was flying straight at____. She turned out of its way, but it____at her again. She was scared.
She had____evade its attacks four times before she was_____to land safely. Even after she landed, it_____overhead, as if daring her to fy again.____did I do to you, she wondered.

As_____drove home, she found out that she had_____lucky. The radio news reported that in Australia,_____hang-glider had been attacked by not one, but _____, eagles.
Maybe it was something in the air;______thought.

2. Answer the following yes / no questions with the correct short answer. For example: Yes, he did or No, he didn’t.

a. Did Heather love the freedom of snoring?

b. Did she love to soar hight above the land and sea?

c. Did her boyfriend teach her how to hang-glide?

d. Was she scared to death initially?

e. Did she buy her own hang-glider a year later?

f. Did she drive to Torrey Pines every weekend?

g. Did she leap off the mountain?

h. Could she soar to La Jolla in less than five seconds?

i. Did she like to fly over the town?

j. Would she wave at kids looking up at her?

To listen to the text click here: A Bird Attacks Listening

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

TASK 8 - Pass The Paper

This speaking activity is a PowerPoint presentation. It can be used in any level in order to know information about our students the first day of class. With this activity students will pass a paper ball to other students while the music is sounding. When the music stops, the students with the paper ball shoul finish the sentence proposed by the PowerPoint with his or her opinion. 

To download the PowerPoint presentation click here.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

TASK 9 - PowerPoint Auto-Executalbe

This is an auto-executable PowerPoint presentation aimed at any level (A1, A2, B1...). It will be used in order to inspire our students to write about a topic they really like. The topic of our presentation is sport and its sacrifice. The PowerPoint will be played by itself.

To see the PowerPoint click here

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

TASK 10 - Piccasa

This is an activity created with Piccasa software. It is aimed at any level (A1, A2, B1...). Our students will have to create a short video about a trip, a holiday, their hobby, etc. With this, our students will write in English but enjoying the activity. Finally, they will upload the video in order to learn how to use Youtube.

To see the complete video, click here.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

TASK 11 - Hotpotatoes - Mash

This a pack of activities using the song Counting Stars in order to make our students improve their listening skill.



martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Hotpotatoes - Cloze



Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Lately I've been, I've been losing
about the things that we could
But, I've been, I've been hard
Said no more dollars, we'll be counting stars
Yeah, we'll be counting stars

I see this like a swinging vine,
my across the line
In my is flashing signs,
Seek it out and ye shall .

Old but I'm not that
but I'm not that
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told

And I I I I feel so right by doing the wrong thing (x2)

I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?
Every thing that kills me makes me alive.


Baby. I feel her and
And I feel it down this river every time
Hope is our four-letter word, make that watch it burn

but, I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is
I'm just doing what we're

And I I I I feel something so by doing the thing
I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I?
Everything that me makes me wanna


Oh, take that money watch it ,
Sing in the river the I learned
Take that money watch it burn (x3)

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive


lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Hotpotatoes - Cross




Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1      2        
  4         5     