lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

TASK 1 - Legal Framework of the Use of ICT in the Secondary Eduaction

Technology has changed our lives in an amazing short period of time. Its development changed our work, our studies, our relationships; everything. Thus students should develop new abilities and capacities to be part of this “new” society that is constantly in change. This is the reason why digital competence must be developed by the educative system curriculum, with qualified professionals and an appropriate integration of the use of ICT within the classroom.

If we analyze the Spanish legal educative framework, ICT have to be part of every syllable and in different subjects of secondary education. To deal with this situation, the European Union develops ways for the students to acquire a good level of knowledge in ICT.

Regarding the different technological devices, experts or professional should guide the students on the appropriate use of the technological tools, not only to interact with the society, but moreover, to be good citizens in terms on the ethical and legal aspects that the use of these devices implies.

It should be take into account the fact that nowadays students of secondary education are mostly technological beings, in other words, they have a high level of familiarity with digital tools. For this reason, teachers should teach them how to classify and use information in other to relate different subjects.

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