miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

TASK 13 - Clil Template

Here you can find an example of a CLIL template. Its aim is to organize a biology lesion using a second language (English). This unit is “Unit 6: Plants and the photosynthesis process) and it is aimed at 3rd year students of ESO

Subject: Biology                                                 Level : 3º ESO
Title of the Unit: UNIT 6: Plants and the photosynthesis process.

1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria

  • To know what photosynthesis process is.
  •  To know the main characteristics of the photosynthesis process.
  • To understand how photosynthesis work

2. Subject Content

  •  Photosynthesis process
  • Photosynthetic membranes and organelles
  • Light-dependent reactions
  • Light- independent reactions
  • Order and kinetics
  • Efficiency
  • Evolution
  • Factors

3. Language Content / Communication


Process, light energy, sun, chemical energy, carbohydrate molecules, sugars, synthesized, organelles, carbon dioxide, oxygen, proteins, chlorophyll, pigments, plasma, cells, hydrogen, glucose, biomass, metabolism, photon, membrane, intermembrane space, inner membrane, stroma, granum, lumen


Present Simple, Present Continuos, Future Simple, Comparatives, Superlatives, Conditionals

Language skills / Discourse type
Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking / Descriptive Speech (

4. Contextual (cultural) element

Learning about different plants in different areas and their main differences
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

  •  To understand the process of photosynthesis
  •      To analyse the steps of the process of photosynthesis
  •    To know the problems causes by the pollution.

6. (a). Task (s)
  • Identification of a problem and study of the diverse solutions

6. (b). Actividades
     1.   Read about the photosynthesis process
     2.   Watch a video
     3.   Highlight the main characteristics (video)
     4.   Present and scheme with the solution of the problem
     5.   Final task: present the solution of the problem proposed.
7. Metodología

Organization and class distribution / timing

First session: Read a short fill-in-the-gaps text about photosynthesis process, watch a video about this process, and organize the main ideas.
Second session: Presentation of a contamination problem, and preparations of a solution (scheme)
Third session: Presentation of the possible solution

Recursos / Materiales

Video  Photosynthesis (Bozeman Science)
Key competences

  •   Knowledge and interaction with the physical way.
  • Autonomy and personal initiative
  •  Data procession and the digital competition
  • Social and civil competition
  • Mathematical competition
  • Linguistic competition
  • Learn to learn

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

  •      Clear and worked scheme
  •        Active participation in the activities
  •       Final presentation (groups)

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